AFF113 Model Sedimentation Tank Educational Equipment Vocational Training Hydraulic Workbench Technical specification A rigid acrylic settling tank of 80L capacity can be fed by a mains water or a slurry supply. Slurry is pumped from a 120L sump tank via a centrifugal pump. A sparging device in the sump tank keeps the slurry in suspension. Both supplies are fitted with a flow meter. Mains water flow meter range 0.5 5.0 litres/min; slurry flow meter range 0 2 litres/min. A dye injection system is incorporated to allow hydraulic tracer and flow visualisation studies. Measuring flow regimes using a dye tracer and comparison of these with idealised flow models. Effect of variables such as flow rate and baffle position on flow regimes. Measurement of sediment removal efficiencies.